BA Theology
Theology Program Objectives:
- To provide professional training to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church effectively in ministry.
- To give an adequate pre-Seminary training that meets entrance requirements to the MDiv degree program at Andrews University.
- To furnish instruction and practical experience in church ministries and public evangelism for Certification in Ministry.
Admission to Theology
In the first semester of their sophomore year, theology majors must make formal application
to the ministerial program to become a trainee.
Transfer students who have sophomore standing or beyond must apply during their second
semester in residence.
In evaluating applications, the School of Religion faculty will consider the student’s:
- Spiritual and theological commitment.
- Moral character.
- Integrity.
- Emotional stability.
- Grade point average.
- Social and professional skills. Students are notified of the faculty’s decision, and those whose applications are accepted will become ministerial trainees.
If at any time after being admitted to the program, trainees give evidence of failure to maintain commitment to the criteria of the ministerial program, including its expectations about spiritual commitment, moral character, or grade point average, they forfeit their standing as trainees and the privilege of being recognized as ministerial candidates in their senior year.
Students who have been accepted as ministerial candidates and then manifest a lack of commitment to the aforementioned criteria of the program will have their candidacy rescinded.
Acceptance into the ministerial program as a trainee and approval as a candidate are both required for the completion of a theology major.
Students not accepted into the program as trainees and/or candidates and those whose trainee or candidate status is rescinded are not eligible to receive a theology or pastoral care major degree. However, they may apply to the School of Religion faculty to be allowed to complete a major in religious studies.
Required Courses in Addition to General Education Classes
RELB 125 Life and Teachings of Jesus
RELB 245 Old Testament Studies I
RELB 246 Old Testament Studies II
RELB 425 Studies in Daniel (writing class)
RELB 426 Studies in Revelation
RELB 435 New Testament Studies I
RELB 436 New Testament Studies II
RELT 138 Adventist Heritage
RELT 177 Christian Spirituality
RELT 439 Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G White
RELT 484 Christian Theology I
RELT 485 Christian Theology II (writing class)
In order to graduate with a major in theology, a student must also complete 20 hours for Certification in Biblical Languages, 24 hours for Certification in Ministry, and cognate requirements as follows:
Certification in Biblical Languages
RELL 181, 182 Biblical Hebrew I, II
RELL 191, 192 New Testament Greek I, II
RELL 221 Intro to Biblical Exegesis
RELL 330 Intermediate Hebrew
RELL 331 Intermediate Greek
Certification in Ministry
RELP 150 Introduction to Ministry
RELP 270 Interpersonal Ministry
RELP 321 Intro to Biblical Preaching
RELP 322 Intermediate Biblical Preaching
RELP 361, 362 Personal Evangelism I, II
RELP 405 Evangelistic Preaching
RELP 423 Advanced Biblical Preaching
RELP 450, 452 Church Ministry I, II
RELP 466 Public Evangelism
Required Cognate Courses
HIST 363 Christian Church I or 364 Christian Church I (writing class)
HIST 365 Christian Church II (writing class) or 366 Christian Church II
NOTE: Students are advised to take only one biblical language course per semester.