BA Religious Studies
Religious Studies Program Objectives:
- To provide a basic education in biblical and religious studies without meeting the professional requirements of other majors.
- To provide a major for students who are involved in pre-professional programs or who elect a double major, one of which is Religious Studies.
- To prepare students to become well-informed local church leaders.
Admission to Religious Studies
The Religious Studies major is a liberal arts major for students interested in preparing for professional fields such as medicine, dentistry, law, and other graduate studies.
This degree provides a balanced selection of both biblical studies and theology courses. The four-year degree candidate may apply the required 12 hours of general education courses in religion toward the hours needed for the major, thus reducing the number of extra courses needed to qualify.
Required Courses
RELB 125 Life and Teachings of Jesus
RELB 245 Old Testament Studies I OR RELB 246 Old Testament Studies II
RELB 435 New Testament Studies I
RELB 436 New Testament Studies II
RELP 264 Christian Witnessing
RELT 138 Adventist Heritage
RELT 177 Christian Spirituality
RELT 255 Christian Beliefs
RELT 373 Christian Ethics
RELT 458 World Religions (writing class)
RELT 467 Christian Philosophy & Worldviews (writing class)