BA Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies Program Objectives:
- To provide education in biblical studies that does not require professional training for pastoral ministry or religious education.
- To prepare students to pursue graduate work in biblical studies, to provide a major for students who are involved in pre-professional programs, and to provide a second major for students who are studying other disciplines.
- To prepare students to become well-informed leaders in local churches.
Admission to Biblical Studies
The biblical studies major is a liberal arts major for students interested in preparing for graduate studies in Old or New Testament, as well as for those planning to enter a professional field such as medicine, dentistry, law, or education.
This degree provides a thorough exposure to classes in biblical studies. The four-year degree candidate may apply the required 12 hours of general education courses in religion toward the hours needed for the major.
Required Courses
RELB 125 Life & Teachings of Jesus
RELB 237 Archaeology & the OT
RELB 245 Old Testament Studies I
RELB 246 Old Testament Studies II
RELB 247 Archaeology & the New Testament
RELB 425 Studies in Daniel (writing class)
RELB 426 Studies in Revelation
RELB 435 New Testament Studies I
RELB 436 New Testament Studies II
RELB 495 Directed Study (senior project)
RELL 221 Intro to Biblical Exegesis
Required Cognates
RELL 181 Biblical Hebrew I
RELL 182 Biblical Hebrew II
RELL 330 Intermediate Hebrew
RELL 191 New Testament Greek I
RELL 192 New Testament Greek II
RELL 331 Intermediate Greek