You have reached the last section of the FERPA Online Training. Section 4 will cover an overview of the training program, a course certification process to document your online training, and a FERPA quiz, which is optional.
Key Points:
- Program Overview
- Course Certification
- FERPA Quiz (optional)
Program Overview
The following are key practices that you can implement to do your part in safeguarding the security and confidentiality of our institution’s student education records that are covered under FERPA:
- Employ daily work habits that protect the security and privacy of information you have access to in the conduct of your responsibilities.
- Adhere to university policies and procedures regarding protecting student education records as directed under FERPA.
- Report any suspected violations of policies and procedures to your supervisor.
- Seek assistance from your supervisor or individuals listed on the contact list if you are unsure of how to manage a situation or need clarification.
- Remember that individuals seeking our assistance are our “customers,” and if we are not able to provide them with the information they need, we should take the extra step to assist them in resolving their situation.
These are practices that we all can support and implement to safeguard the security and privacy of our university students' education records. If you have questions or need assistance in reference to FERPA policies and guidelines, please refer to the contact list provided on the FERPA website.
Course Certification
By completing this quiz, you are verifying that you have completed the training program and agree to follow the policies and guidelines provided in the program and on the university’s FERPA website.