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Enrichment Credits

Chapels, Vespers, and Convocations are all integral co-curricular parts of attending Southern and are required for all undergraduate students taking 6 hours or more. As such, reductions are rare and for exceptional situations. Please note that reductions are for the overall total, not specific to only cultural credits. 

The following circumstances are situations that might necessitate reductions.


1)     If you are a commuter student that has no classes and no other work/lab/on-campus commitments on Thursdays

2)     Attending nursing clinicals or skills labs during the Convocation hour

3)     Working as a nurse whose shift is regularly scheduled during the Convocation hour or Friday night

4)     Working an on-campus job that cannot close during Convocation or Vespers (examples of such jobs are Food Services student personnel and a number of desk jobs that must remain open 24 hours a day). The question will be asked of work that is occurring during the Thursday 11:00am hour: Is it a job that cannot do without student labor during that period of the day?

To apply for a reduction, click here. A reduction is for one semester only as class and work schedules change by semester. Therefore, you must fill out a reduction form every semester. Please note, petitioning is not a guarantee of approval.

Exempted students: The following populations of students are exempted from earning attendance credits. However, their voluntary attendance at these community-building events are still welcome:

  • Married students
  • Students with children
  • Military veterans
  • Students 23 or older prior to the start of the semester. (If you turn 23 during a semester, please notify the Office of Student Development and your number will be prorated).
  • Students who have already earned 124 academic credit hours
  • Students involved in student teaching
  • Students who are completely online or Consortium students

Required Credits / How and Where to Obtain

Fr (0-23 class hours) Residential: 44 enrichment credits / 16 cultural credits = 60 credits total
Community: 30 enrichment credits / 10 cultural credits = 40 credits total
So (24-54 class hours) Residential: 41 enrichment credits / 14 cultural credits = 55 credits total
Community: 26 enrichment credits / 10 cultural credits = 36 credits total
Jr (55-93 class hours) 24 enrichment credits / 8 cultural credits = 32 credits total 
Sr (94+ class hours) 22 enrichment credits / 8 cultural credits = 30 credits total 
Graduating Sr with B.S. or B.A.      Exempt in their last semester prior to graduation
1 enrichment credit
  • Morning Meditations - Monday thru Friday / 7:30am / Talge Chapel
  • Sunday night dorm worship - various times/locations
  • Evensong - Sabbath evening / time varies / University Church
2 enrichment credits
  • Tuesday night co-ed worship / 8pm / Thatcher Chapel
  • Vespers - Friday / 6:30 & 8:30pm (unless noted otherwise) / Collegedale Church
  • LifeGroups - various times/locations
2 cultural credits
  • Convocation - Thursday / 11am / University Church or Iles PE Center
  • Performing Arts - 7:30pm / periodically throughout the semester
  • Musical concerts - various times and locations (check Music Dept. webpage)
Date Week Fr Fr So So    
resident commuter resident commuter Junior Senior
    60 40 55 36 32 30
Jan 12 - 18 1 4 3 3 2 3 2
Jan 19 - 25 2 8 5 7 5 5 4
Jan 26 -  Feb 1 3 12 8 10 7 7 6
Feb 2 - 8 4 16 10 14 9 9 8
Feb 9 - 15 5 20 13 17 11 11 10
Feb 16 - 22 6 24 15 21 14 13 12
Feb 23 - Mar 1 7 28 18 24 16 16 14
Mar 2 - 8 8 32 20 28 18 18 16
Mar 9 - 15 9 36 23 31 20 20 18
Break - - - - - - -
Mar 23 - 29 10 40 26 35 26 22 20
Mar 30 - Apr 5 11 44 29 39 26 24 22
Apr 6 - 12 12 48 32 43 29 26 24
Apr 13 - 19 13 52 35 47 32 28 26
Apr 20 - 26 14 56 37 51 34 30 28
Apr 27 - May 3 15 60 40 55 36 32 30
1st Offense <10 = probation
= or >10 = probation and $5 per credit missed
50% of credits missed = probation, $5 per credit missed, meet with Vice President of Student Development, Letter of Commitment
2nd Offense <10 = probation and $5 per credit missed
= or >10 = probation, $5 per credit missed, meet with Vice President, Letter of Commitment
50% of credits missed = semester suspension, $5 per credit missed
3rd Offense <10 = probation, $5 per credit missed, meet with Vice President
>10 = semester suspension
4th Offense <10 = semester suspension, $5 per credit missed
Missing 50% or more of the required
number by mid-term will result in one or more of
the following
1 - A hold on registering for classes for the following semester
2 - Loss of student leadership positions
3 - Ineligibility for upper-classmen student housing