Fire Policy
Fires are permitted outdoors only in specified areas.
Only manufactured Christmas trees are permitted in any campus building. Natural, cut trees are prohibited, whether or not they are decorated with electric lights.
Fire Drill
Campus-Wide Emergency
In the event of a tornado or other campus-wide emergency, you will hear the campus siren sound and possible building notifications. Do not go outside. Instead, make your way to the designated tornado shelters (see bulletin boards for location information). To sign up for the campus-wide emergency alert system, go to southern.edu/notify.
Fire Exits
Fire Door Closers
Because of the fire code, all rooms are equipped with automatic door closers. The purpose of these is to keep your door closed during a fire, thus preventing the fire from spreading. Tampering with these door closers is a serious offense. Abuse of the equipment will result in fines and/or suspension.
Fire Extinguishers
The misuse of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, or other protection equipment is expressly prohibited. Ceiling tiles must remain in place with nothing stored above them. Because the abuse of this policy can cause serious fire hazards in a residence-hall setting, stiff penalties, including cash fines and/or suspension, will be levied against anyone who violates it. In addition, the involved persons will be held responsible for any damages caused by fire or smoke.
Fire Hazards
There will be a fine for the use or cause of any of these hazards:
- objects with open flames
- fireworks
- combustible chemicals
- obstructions in hallways
- hot pots or crockpots
- lava lamps
- hall doors propped open
- gas or electrical cooking appliances (other than microwaves)
Most campus buildings are equipped with fire sprinklers. These important systems definitely can make a difference in the outcome of a fire but must be working properly in order to have a positive impact. You can help ensure that happens by following these guidelines:
- DO NOT hang, tape, wrap, bump, or put anything near the sprinkler heads.
- DO keep all flammable items at least 18” below sprinkler heads. Anything above that level can keep the sprinkler from working properly or can be above the reach of the sprinkler.
Any questions on fire policy or practice should be referred to the Fire Safety Manager at Campus Safety.
Alarm Policy
When the fire alarm activates immediately exit the building using the nearest available exit. It is not your responsibility to determine whether or not there is a fire. It is your responsibility to leave the building and go to your designated assembly area to facilitate accounting for the building occupants. It is not your responsibility to fight fire.
When the fire alarm sounds, get out. Exit the building via the nearest available exit. Go to your assembly area and stay there until authorities give the All Clear to re-enter or tell you to move to a shelter area. When the tornado warning sounds (long siren wail outside, some buildings have an alarm and announcement inside), go to a marked storm shelter. If there is not a marked storm shelter in your building, go as low as you can in the building in an inside (away from the outside walls) room. Stay there until the All Clear (short siren wail or announcement) sounds. When a campus lockdown order is issued (this will be announced over the alarm system in equipped buildings and by text and voice messages via the Emergency Notification System; click here to sign up), stay in the room you’re in. If you are in a hallway, get into a room. Lock or barricade the door. Be quiet. Stay away from windows. Don’t open the door for ANYONE. Authorities will have access to locked doors.
The following buildings are equipped with Emergency Voice Alarm Communication (EVAC) that will give verbal instructions in addition to the tone alarm:
- Bietz Center for Student Life
- Brock Hall
- Campus Safety
- Daniells Hall
- Florida Hospital Hall
- Hackman Hall
- Hickman Hall
- Hulsey Wellness Center
- Iles PE Center
- Landscape Services
- Ledford Hall
- Lynn Wood Hall
- Mabel Wood Hall
- McKee Library
- Southern Village - all buildings
- Summerour Hall
- Talge Hall
- Thatcher Hall
- Thatcher South
- Upper Stateside - all buildings
- Virginia Apartments
- Wright Hall (partial)
The following buildings are equipped with tone-only alarms:
- Collegedale Church of Seventh-day Adventists
The following buildings are equipped with sprinkler systems only and no alarms:
- Art Annex
- College Press
- Fleming Plaza
- Miller Hall
- Plant Service
- Service Department
Fire Safety Practices
Campus Safety works closely with local, regional, state, and national agencies to ensure Southern is prepared to respond appropriately to a wide range of emergencies. Following are links to emergency agencies and other safety information:
- Center for Campus Fire Safety
- Site specifically for college students and fire safety
- Campus Fire Safety
- Home Safety
- Safety Checklist
- Tri-Community Volunteer Fire Department (local fire department)
- City of Collegedale
- Hamilton County Emergency Services
- Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
- Center for Disease Control
- Department of Homeland Security