Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who is eligible to rent?
A. Anyone! We rent equipment to students, faculty/staff, and community members.
Q. How can I rent and return equipment if I can’t make it during gear rental hours?
A. If you are unable to come to the Outdoor Education Center during our scheduled
gear hours, email gearrental@southern.edu at least one week in advance to set up an appointment. We will be more than happy
to find a time to meet with you that fits your busy schedule. When checking out your
gear, be sure to schedule a return time with the equipment coordinator.
Q. What if it rains, and I don’t use the equipment?
A. Unfortunately, once you have taken the gear, we cannot offer a refund. Check
the weather before you rent!
Q. How important is it that I reserve my equipment?
A. It depends on how badly you want the gear. Our classes have priority, but after
that, it’s first come, first served. The earlier you reserve, the better your chances
of getting the gear you want, when you want it.
Q. What are my payment options?
A. Currently, we accept cash or check. Checks should be made out to Southern Adventist
Q. Can someone else pick up the equipment that I have reserved?
A. Yes, with your permission sent via email to gearrental@southern.edu. The person acting as your agent must bring a signed copy of the Rental Agreement.
Otherwise, they will need to sign the agreement, making the gear their responsibility.
Q. Can I submit other questions?
A. Your questions are important to us. Fill out the portion below, and we will
do our best to answer your questions.