How to Grow your Spiritual Life in College
The college years are notorious for being a time where people tend to grow away from
Christ. Personally, I have never doubted my faith and love for Christ, but that doesn’t
mean that college hasn’t posed issues in my relationship with Him.
Growing up Adventist and in the Christian school system, I wasn’t initially concerned about my spiritual walk since I would be surrounded by Christians and in a Christian environment. During my first month of college, I found a church that I really loved, I committed to a small group Bible study, and felt as if my relationship with Christ was going marvelously!
Soon after the first month ended, I began to make excuses why I wasn’t showing up to the Bible study or to church that week. I was often too exhausted from studying and work to have my daily devotions. Without a conscious decision, I began to fall away from God.
After my first semester ended I did some self-reflection and realized how distant Christ and I had become. For the semesters that have followed, I have tried to live by Jeremiah 29:13, and I want to encourage you to do the same! This verse states, “You will seek me and find me when you seek Me with your entire heart.” My heart had been so occupied by so many different things, and though they were good things, there wasn’t any room left for the Almighty.
As you begin college, I want to encourage you to keep Christ at the forefront of your daily life. Though it may seem hard, there are ways to maintain your spiritual life. The first way is to have people who support you spiritually. Friends can make or break so many things, and most importantly your walk with God. Surround yourself with those who want to aid you in bettering yourself for Christ.
The second way is to get involved in a spiritual activity! Southern provides so many outlets for you to express your faith, so find one that fits you! You’ll be bombarded with so many different extracurricular clubs and activities, but make sure you find time for spiritual activities too.
Lastly, find passion in your Savior. Although we attend a Christian school, there will still be troubles and temptations. Don’t be afraid in your relationship with God, but instead let it shine through everything you do. Finding the courage to share about your faith, whether to a group or an individual, will not only strengthen your own walk with God, but also help others in theirs, which is our goal here on earth.
College is such a fantastic time in the life of any young person, so I encourage you to make the most of your opportunities, create lifelong memories, but mostly, to go and set your world on fire for our Father in Heaven! I can’t wait to see each of you around campus.
For more of Alyssa’s writing, check out her blog.