Southern Accent—Our Student Voice
Founded in 1926, the Southern Accent has been a student newspaper made up of a team of writers, designers, media savvies,
creatives, and visionaries. It’s a weekly publication distributed every Thursday throughout
our campus, and it’s made up of news, lifestyle, opinion, religion, humor, and new
media sections run by their respective editors and manager. Working on the team is
a fantastic chance to find community with quirky and talented people who are learning
and growing in the same field as you. We strive to inform the students on our campus
to the best of our ability through our media and to grow as reporters while simultaneously
connecting with our community.
When pondering about applying for the editor-in-chief position of our paper, my vision was, and continues to be, to gather a team of passionate people. I want to cultivate talent and connection and encourage my team to connect with the people they interview and work with because I’ve learned that’s what fuels us to create the best stories. I wanted to collect feedback from students more often; after all, we are doing this for them. I'd like a consensus of what they’d want to see more of in the paper and what they’re interested in reading. And of course, there will be people who don't read at all, and that's fine. But for those who do, I’d like to make it worth it. Realistically, it's impossible to cater to every single person in our student body, but I'd like a general opinion of what we can work on and work towards. Because we are named the student's voice, we must aim to empower and enhance the student voice on our campus, and if that’s not our focus, we must reevaluate our purpose.
Although my title deems me the editor of this publication, I’m truly the enabler. The real potential is in every one of my staff. The writers, designers, videographers, editors, fearless newsies and creative minds who contribute to our melting pot of voices, opinions, and backgrounds. We not only represent ourselves but the students we write for. Our purpose isn’t only to inform those around us but to connect with them and bring their voices to life through our stories.
We’d love for you to be a part! If you have any interest in contributing any photography, video, or written works to our publication, please send them to, and we’d be glad to accept your work.