Planning Your Workout on Campus

Working Out

Working out is a great way to stay in shape! But every person has their own kind of workout they like to do, which includes time of day, place, and style. So here is a guide to finding what times are best for you depending on what kind of workout junkie you consider yourself!

If you are a workout junkie, this post will come in handy. As you may know, when you go to the Hulsey Wellness Center there are many people that just go to socialize, hit on girls, and spend the rest of the time doing something else than actually working out. If you want to be efficient and get a good workout in, the morning before classes is a good time to hit the gym. I know it can be hard to wake up early, but if you are about that GSL (gym, study, laundry) life, you need to get into a routine.

If mornings are not the thing for you, and it is impossible for you to go to the gym early in the morning, then consider going in between classes. During these times, the gym will be relatively quiet, and you will have plenty of time for yourself. There is minimal sharing of equipment and space, which will lead to you using your time more efficiently.

If you go to the gym anywhere from 5 p.m.–8 p.m., consider yourself a socializer, because this is high-traffic time at the Hulsey! You are going to find everyone and their moms at the gym. Most classes are finished by this time, meaning that all the students are trying to do something else besides classwork. The gym is going to be full everywhere you go. Intramurals are a big part of Southern’s campus, and they usually start at 5 p.m., which creates more traffic at the gym, especially when almost the whole student body participates in our sports program.

Overall, the best times to go to the gym are eventually going to be up to you. Maybe some days you do not want to socialize, while other days you do. And because each semester tends to differ so dramatically, you may find yourself working out at completely different times from one semester to the next! But at the end of the day, no matter when you go, you won’t be disappointed in the quality time you get in at the quality workout facilities. Southern has a fit and friendly student body, and it’s time to go GSL!

For more information about the Hulsey Wellness Center, or hours of operation, click here.

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