Academic Summer Camps Offer Immersion Experience for High School Students
This summer Southern will host seven academic camps that bring high school students to the university for an opportunity to explore or sharpen their vocational focus before even starting college. Each three-day camp includes a spiritual component as well, modeling for students how Adventist education facilitates the marriage of career and calling.
The School of Journalism and Communication held Christian Media Camp for the past
two years and students from across the Southeast and beyond came to learn about photography,
blogging, new media, and more. Other academic departments witnessed its success and
this year there will also be summer camps in chemistry, computing, English, filmmaking,
modern languages, and math/physics.
“Our favorite part of the journalism camp every year is seeing high school students awaken to new ways they can use their gifts for God's glory,” said assistant professor Kendra Stanton Lee.
Gone is the traditional image of high school students spending their summer lounging by the pool. Today’s youth—and the parents who often help pay for college—remain open to the idea of spending this coveted time “off” in more constructive ways. But all fun is not lost! During the hours between academic activities and curfew, Southern staff will supervise a variety of recreation activities, both on and off campus.
All camps except media (May 23-25) are held July 25-27. Registration is $100 for local students (or out-of-town students staying with friends and family in the area) and $150 for those requiring overnight accommodation in one of Southern’s apartment buildings reserved exclusively for camp participants. All food, materials, and activity expenses are included in registration.
For students coming to camp from beyond the greater Chattanooga area, vans will provide complimentary transportation both to and from Southern at centralized pick-up locations in Atlanta, Knoxville, and Nashville. Specific details about each camp’s topic, lodging details, and recreation activities can be found on the camps' website. For more information, call (423) 236-2581.