Business Lectures Invite Experts to Share "Real World" Experience

The sun has set on another winter semester afternoon; however, for some students there is still one more class to attend. Seminar in Business Administration is a required course for all business majors. Students must attend 10 nightly seminars scheduled throughout the winter semester that are collectively called the E.A. Anderson Lecture Series.

First started in 1971, the series was founded through the generosity of E. A. Anderson, a successful entrepreneur from Atlanta whose children attended Southern. Guest speakers come from a variety of fields. The first presenter this year was David Beckworth, a 1994 Southern graduate and economist best known for his book, Boom and Bust Banking which discusses why the Great Recession happened and the ways that helped the country regain economic stability.

“This series provides an opportunity for students to hear real world stories from people working in business,” said Stephanie Sheehan, director for Southern’s Institute of Ethical Leadership.

Students that attend are exposed to a variety of career opportunities within business as speakers share their diverse backgrounds. Presenters this semester represent a wide range of occupations, including portfolio managers, CEOs, and hospital administrators.

The E.A. Anderson Lecture Series is open to the community, and continuing education credit is offered for no additional charge. A schedule and archive of previous presentations is available online.

Steven Collins Story by Steven Collins Published: Last Edited: